2009年11月29日 星期日

FB舊note(2) -- 覆述Jenny Wen在5C的師生對話 -- Jenny對election的看法

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 3:05pm | Edit Note | Delete
9月23日, 星期二, Jenny Wen在5C的一段對話節錄:

"某cabinet在eleciton期間被要求要他們更改CCB chairman候選人. 兩個cabinet早就提交了cabinet member的名單, 為什麼steering一直沒有發覺而要在election期間才要求換人呢?"

"The steering has lots of work to do. We don't have much time to examine every part of the CV of the cabinet members. Also, it is the responsibility for the cabinets to read the rules. The steering committee made every decision according to the rules. We could have DQ Jason's cabinet. But we all want an election so we just told them to change one of their members. This is the best result for both cabinets. (轉channel) 還有, Jason 他們在選舉後更沒有表現風度. 他們對Percy提出over-budget問題. 給他們合理解釋, 還要繼續追究. 他們有沒有想過, Percy也可以不斷質疑CCB的問題, 令Jason連election都無得玩."

以上為對話中的一部分, 如要任何補充, 歡迎提出.

