Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 6:10pm | Edit Note | Delete
I have learnt a lot through this election for I had put a lot of my effort in it.
At the very beginning, I supported Percy. No matter in which criteria (experience, ability and acedemic results), Percy seemed to have won since the beginning. However, during the election promotion period, various incidents changed my mind. The was when I lost my trust towards Percy. I turned towards Jason and found that he really deserves his popularity. I then helped Jason during the appeal period. Now, the election has ended and I finally had time to think about what I have done. Now, I think, Percy and Jason are equally good, both of them deserve to become the president. Some of you may think that I am a traitor. Some of you would say I betrayed Percy. I would not deny this. I really changed my stance during the election. Now, after the election, I would like to apologize for what I had done wrong during the election. I hope every one of you would understand.
What I really want to say to all former P group and former J group is, all groups are combinded now, there is only the LSCSA group now. If you have any bad feelings towards the new SA, get into it and change it. Everyone has their own definition of justice so use contructive methods to fight for your justice. I hereby would like to suggest some ways for those who dislike the new cabinet to seek change:
1) Get into the SA
Bear in mind that who you hate is not who you will serve. If you get into SA, you are not serving for the committees, you are serving our fellow Lasallians. Since you have the passion to oppose a cabinet, I believe if you can make good use of your passion, all Lasallians will remember your name and your form of justice.
2) Make lots of suggestions
Every cabinet wants Lasalle to become better. None of them would like to see Lasalle fall. Therefore, they would always be willing to hear ideas. The clever is never always correct, the stupid is never always wrong. No matter what is you opinion, please speak out loud, tell the SA what you want, tell the SA what students need.
3) Support the leader
You may have hated the chairman of different boards. You can keep this hatred and support the leader. This may seem ridiculous. Try it first, it is actually very easy, at least I tried it before. I worked for someone who I hated few years ago. I kept saying I hate this person but as I get to know the person more, I could understand him. I changed my mind then, although he may still seem hard to communicate. Try it, it will give you unexpected results.
The above is just what I think, so please, if you dislike this passage, please tell me.
Thank you for sharing my ideas. I hope it will give you some ideas to solve your problems.
(Finally, a word to Claudio. Thank you for letting me help.)